Download Epson stylus T13 resetter

How to fully reset Epson Stylus T13

Step 1: You can download the Epson Stylus T13 Resetter tool.

Download the Epson Stylus T13 Resetter tool 

Step 2: Extract the zip file  

Step 3: Run "AdjProg.exe" file

Step 4: You should click "Accept" Button
 Resetter Epson Stylus T13

Step 5: You should click " Select" button and select appropriate model, Destination, Language and Printer attached port. 

 Step 6: Click "Particular adjustment mode" button.

Step 7: You should select appropriate option (Waste ink pad counter), then click "OK" button 

Step 8: Check Main Pad Counter and FL Box Counter, then Initialization and click Finish button.

IMPORTANT NOTE !... Turn off your Antivirus, because the Epson Stylus T13 resetter is detected like a virus. Then open the resetter of Epson Stylus T13 with double click the "AdjProg. exe" file.

Check: If the result is more or approaching check 7800 points means the printer needs to be reset soon 

Initialization: This is used to reset the printer back counter or count back to zero value "6. The reset process is completed, you can turn the printer off and then turn on again. The printer will flame with full green light, it means the printer Epson Stylus T13 that blink had been ready to be print again as usual. Enjoy...... !!!

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